張 正 芬
現 職:
.經國管理暨健康學院護理系 講師
學 歷:
.Lamar University USA Department of Home Economics MEd
經 歷:
.經國管理暨健康學院日間部教學服務組 組長
.經國管理暨健康學院在職專班教導組 組長
.經國管理暨健康學院夜間部教務組 組長
(A) 期刊論文
1. Pei-Ti Hsu, Jeu -Jung Chen, Cheng-Fen Chang and Pei-Hung Liao (2018),
Relationship between Voluntary Service, Social Support and Loneliness,
Elixir Soc. Sci. 123 51914 (2018) 51914-51918
2. C.F. Chang; H.Y. Chang; S.H. Tsai; T.H. Kuo (2018).Exploration and
forecasting of the related factors of frailty among the elderly (abstract for
publication).Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 123(Suppl. 6):1–35.
DOI: 10.1111/bcpt.13129(SCI)(IF: 2.659)
3. Cheng-Fen Chang and Tien-Ho Kuo(2018), Impact of Nutrition and
Depression on the Cognitive Functioning of the Elderly in Taiwan. Journal of
Aging Science 6: 197. DOI:10.4172/2329-8847.1000197
4. Pei-Ti Hsu, I-Ju Chen, Jeu-Jung Chen, Cheng-Fen Chang & Shiu-Yan
Yang(2015), Using the Transtheoretical Model to Investigate Stages
of Change in Regular Volunteer Service among Seniors in Community.
International Journal of Social, Education, Economics and Management
Engineering, 9 (1), 160–164.
5. 張正芬、郭天和…等,環境衛生用藥案例探討,經國學報,2011
6. 郭天和、張正芬…等,新竹地區氣相汞(gaseous mercury) 研究,東南學報,34,2010
7. Tien-Ho Kuo, Cheng-Fen Chang, Andrius Urba & Kestutis Kvietkus, (2006),
Atmospheric Gaseous Mercury in Northern Taiwan. Science of the Total
Environment, 368,10~18。(SCI)
8. 郭天和、張怡塘、張正芬(2004),利用不要的米製造活性炭之研究,中興工程,116-120
9. 張正芬、林麗美(2000),台北市幼兒園所菜單初探,德育學報,191-201